The guest page of Mr. Bannerjee
by Prof. Y. Lupardi
Mr. Bannerjee is from Benares and has lost his Green Card and marbles. He does not speak Dutch. Now he only has his American half dollar passport number B 57833895 U and a single Rupee note only.
He want to do the 11-caches tour of Holland. So if anybody can give him a lift to somewhere else, please do so.
Please keep me updated of the whereabouts of this valued guest.
Prof. Y. Lupardi
Here is a picture of Mr. Bannerjee before he visited on october 17 2001 the 'Hold your Horses' cache.
NEW!!! NEW!!!
There is a special webpage now where you can read all the logs about his travelling expierences
The adventures of Mr Bannerjee
Until now the following visits are logged:
Hold your Horses
from where he was taken on october 21 2001 by the Waterboys to land in their new cache
Oosterplas (#3 of Thijsse´s Wish Trilogy)
and to be taken on november 15 2001 to a new location by Boyscout Senne + Emmy, Laura and Ralph.
And this location is:
from where Lynn+ Jan have taken him on november 23 2001.
Later on he was transported to the cache
Rucphense Bossen
What happened then is a bit unknown. The next message was from Rovertje telling me that Mr. Bannerjee was found in his cache 'De Mosten' and - according to a note - placed there on 11 august 2002 by AXA????.
Later on he was placed in the 'Duivelscache'(devil's cache) where he was found by Euro & Co on the 22 september.
They took him tot the island of Texel in the North where he is in cache 'de Zeehond' at the moment.
On 8 oktober 2002 a message from the Cairnteam told me that Mr. Bannerjee is now between trees in the cache
Ins blaue hinein.
But after a few days in the woods the geocacher 'Dwarreltje' has taken him to a warm place and the next weekend to another guesthouse.