Here is a map.
Here is a scenic picture with weeds.
And here another scenic picture with a frog somewhere.
Here is an new colour aireal photograph (summer 2000).
Adapt your clothing: in summer any kind of short trousers are out of the question!!
The cache is a medium-sized ammo box containing the normal stuff like:On the Dutch topographic maps with Amersfoort Grid the position is 88614 / 458967
From an Easterly direction you can go to there by car for most of the way.
Some biology lessons:
Urtica (the common nettle) is a real cosmopolitan. You can find them everywhere on earth. They all prefer nitrogen-rich damp soil. Their famliy is Urticaceae.
Nature helps!
Even when moving carefull in good clothing you can be stinged by the nettles. Luckily nature provides a remedy that grows also where nettles are growing. It is Plantago major L.. Fresh leaves are crushed and used as first-aid for insect-bites and stinging nettles.
If you can not figure out what plant I am talking about: See here a photograph.
Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.
Plantago media
Plantago lanceolata L.
And to end this expanation something about the healing properties of Urtica:
Thea and young leaves and roots boiled in wine are used as a household remedy agains slime in lungs and bronchia, skin rashes, hepatitis and haemorrhoids.
As always my cache is marked with a yellow ribbon for the well observing seeker.
Spoiler hint and photographs: (click here)